This book is an adorable, witty, and completely unique chick lit read that really does have it all.
When Paige moves to DC from New York because her life has essentially fallen apart, she needs to reinvent herself. But starting over in your 30s...not easy. Thanks to a wonderful cast of characters she meets at the dog park and her brother, she'll find a new version of happily-ever-after. I loved the quirks added to all of the characters in this book. Paige, for example, goes to the dog park every day even though she doesn't have a dog. These details really add personality to the novel. This isn't your typical "meet cute" chick lit read. There is depth and so many unique events that happen. That's what I really loved... it isn't predictable. There are also heavy moments as her brother deals with some situations. I liked that this book had an honest portrayal of what it's like to start over in your thirties while showing that there is hope. I loved everything about this book and would recommend it to fans of Sophie Kinsella. I will definitely look for more works from this amazing, talented author. L.A. Detwiler, USA Today Bestselling author of The Widow Next Door
A new romantic comedy announcement for the Lines in the Sand Series
I'm so excited to announce that the sixth book in my Lines in the Sand series is coming this June!!
The Lines in the Sand series is a romantic comedy series set in Ocean City, Maryland. It follows eight different couples in their friends-to-lovers journey. It's sweet with a touch of sexy, and includes a m/m couple. Lone Hearts, book six in the series, is super exciting because it's my first alpha-alpha novel. Cash Creed never plays for keeps....but when he meets Sage Everling, a businesswoman who is known as a player, he might just change his mind. Check out the blurb below and let me know if it sounds like your kind of read in the comments. Xoxo, Lindsay Detwiler Two can play... but can two win when it comes to love? A lawyer by day and a player by night, Cash Creed’s life in Texas is about one thing—living it up. When a tragedy in the family summons Cash to Ocean City for the summer, he’s excited about the possibility for hot new conquests and a no-rules kind of fun. Sage Everling, a self-made successful entrepreneur, is strong, sassy, and okay with loving them and leaving them. Too busy for serious love, her focus is on success… but that doesn’t mean she can’t have some fun from time to time. Two players spend the summer in a town focused on freedom and passion. When Sage and Cash’s paths cross, however, they both meet their match. As the summer progresses and their feelings intensify, both learn that playing for fun and playing for keeps are two very different games. Who will be conquered? Amazon US: Amazon UK: Amazon CA: Amazon AU: iTunes: Nook: Kobo:
If you are someone who loves books, TV, or movies, you could find yourself getting easily attached to fictional characters. While this can be a fun hobby that you can indulge in by going to conventions and reading fanfiction, you may find that these fictional characters are becoming your best friends.
You find more in common with your fictional best friends than your real life friends 1. You find more in common with your fictional best friends than your real life friends
As you watch your favorite shows and read your favorite books, you may find that there are many more similarities that you have with fictional characters than your real friends. It can be surprising to feel like you would rather hang out with characters you are reading about then your friends that you just might not be clicking that well with.
2. Their fictional decisions seem to affect you emotionally
When you watch a new episode of your favorite show and get too sad when your favorite dream couple breaks up, you might just feel like your best friend got betrayed. You could also be very happy when your favorite fictional business leader gets a promotion at work and you end up feeling more excited about your personal career. Just like your best friends, you will be excited about the success of your favorite fictional characters.
3. You start fantasizing about joining their world or them joining yours
Do you ever find yourself wishing that you could join the fictional world of your favorite characters? This could show that your best friends are on the silver screen or the written page. If you only had a magic device that could bring your favorite fictional friends into your world, you may have that chum that you feel like you deserve in real life.
4. Your favorite fictional character consumes your life
If you just love a fictional character, you might end up buying all their merch, making them the lock screen on your phone, decorating your apartment with their swag, and you could go even as far as tattooing them on your body. If your real life friends know you as a super fan of your fictional best friend, this can actually be a really fun thing to add to your personality.
While it can be fun to have a fictional best friend, it is important to push hard and have some great best friends in real life. This will help you feel much more leveled and healthy in your relationships. It's not bad to have fictional best friends that you are a superfan for. Just make sure that you are not neglecting your friends that are there for you on a daily basis. Chelsea Parker is a blogger and scheduling editor at Pillow Talk Books. Her site sends out daily emails filled with romance books from all genres. If you get a chance sign up for their daily email and fall in love with your next fictional friend. My mastiff Henry is my absolute best friend. No joke. I'm obsessed with him.
If you've known the love of a dog, you know there's just nothing like seeing that tail wagging when you get home from a long day or the feel of that paw on your shoulder when life's falling apart. The love of the dog is like no other.... and that's why I wanted to capture that emotion in a romance. The Trail to You, releasing March 16th with Hot Tree Publishing, came from my desire to make Henry a major component of the plot. He always appears in every single one of my novels (even my thriller/horror), but I wanted a book that celebrated the power of the bond between humans and dogs. And thus, a book in which the protagonists come together because of the love of a dog was born. I'm not going to lie... The Trail to You is my favorite romance I've written, probably because of the story it tells of a fictionalized Henry. This one is light at times but also's got plenty of laughs, and plenty of tears, just like real life. I've included an excerpt from the first page below. Even though this one doesn't come out until March, there are some pre-order links ready now. The Amazon links are coming soon. Until then, take a peek at the cover which just revealed. Hit comment and let me know all about your furry friend. I'd love to feature some of you in upcoming newsletters....and, if I pick you to feature, you'll earn a FREE ebook ARC of this upcoming book. Xoxo, Lindsay Detwiler Why You Should Read Crazy Rich Asians Now![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars Crazy Rich Asians is a hilarious, quirky read about social class, love, and family loyalty. It is definitely a novel that stands out as "one-of-a-kind" because of the premise as well as the writing style. The book follows Rachel Chu from New York to Singapore as she goes home with her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, for the summer. However, once there, Rachel realizes there is so much she doesn't know about the man she's shared her heart with--especially when it comes to his family. She is swept up in a world of extravagance, wealth, and culture as she navigates the fact that her boyfriend is from an excessively wealthy family with high social standing. The book was difficult to get into at first just because there are so many characters, family histories, and cultural aspects to get used to. I had a hard time navigating the family trees as well as understanding some of the references, but I think that was sort of the point. The author, Kevin Kwan, sort of overwhelms the reader just as Rachel is overwhelmed at the beginning of the trip. It made me realize how social classes really do have their own culture, and the crazy rich certainly have their own rules that outsiders do not understand. The book definitely had a "Prince and Me" vibe but with a modern twist. I loved Rachel and Nick as a couple and enjoyed watching Rachel navigate the difficult situations. I felt like she was easy to relate to and also a strong character. I also loved seeing all of the lavish events she went to. The writer made me feel like I was actually there. The side stories with the other characters were also very engaging. Overall, I really liked this read because it was part romance, part family saga. I thought the ending was perfect and made me want to read the next book in the series. This book is definitely one I will remember for its ability to stand out in a crowd of love stories and for bringing light to social class differences in a unique way. View all my reviews Best Dark Romance of the Summer: Pepper Winters The Girl and Her Ren![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars I'm always hesitant about a sequel because I always worry it won't stand up to the first book. Pepper Winters' The Girl and Her Ren not only stood up to the first book but enhanced it. I loved book one even more thanks to this second book. This book picks up where book one left off, and I was so happy to see the story continue because I was definitely left wanting more from book one. This series is so unique because it really does explore how love is multi-faceted and really doesn't care about rules. There is a constant back and forth to the plot and the emotions in book one; this continues in book two. I found myself weaving in and out of emotions, from anger to joy to sorrow and back again. Pepper Winters really makes you invest in the characters and their love story in a way few other authors can manage. The formatting of the book is also unique in that it is told not only from the male and female perspective but also from the format of a manuscript. As a writer, I enjoyed that tie-in and loved how Pepper Winters tied up the series. I really can't say anything negative about the series. I don't have any critiques. It wrapped up the series in a satisfying way, leaving an impression on me about Della and Ren like no other romance couple. I also love that in the book, Winters highlights that this was never intended to be a romance story, necessarily, but a life story. She accomplishes just that by showcasing how life is a winding, unpredictable journey of pain, sorrow, loss, regret, and guilt. However, through Ren and Della's story, she shows us that love always makes it worth it. There is certainly a unique aspect to Ren and Della's love story. If you read book one, you understand that their history is very different. Some may even get a bit of a taboo vibe from their union. However, I thought Winters did a great job at acknowledging how their relationship is different but also at not backing down from the love story. Love doesn't follow the rules. It doesn't even follow our own rules. The heart wants what it wants, and it was satisfying to watch Ren and Della experience that very sentiment. I applaud Pepper Winters for her candid writing, her unabashed look at some darker themes, and the ability to weave such a heartbreaking and beautiful tale about a couple I won't soon forget. View all my reviews
Check out the links to the books below (I get a small fee from Amazon if you use my links). Also, my video review is posted below!
Honest review of the must-read "Night Circus"![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars "The circus arrives without warning." To review and explain the magnificence of this book is a difficult task. Morgenstern weaves a dreamlike tale of a dreamlike circus in such a fantastical way that it is almost impossible to put into words what the book is about, and, more significantly, what it actually means. Essentially, this book is a romance about two people, Marco and Celia, who are fated to compete against each other in a competition of magical possibilities. Both illusionists are pitted against each other in a competition with few explanations, obtuse roles, and abstract concepts. For this reason, it is somewhat jarring for the reader to partake in this journey. This is a book where you never 100% understand what is happening. I enjoyed the layers to the book and the different perspectives. There are many characters in this book, but Morgenstern weaves them together in exciting ways. Part of the attraction to this book is the fact that you never quite know whose story you are really reading. Who is actually important? What is the main purpose? Who is really going to rise as the central figure? There are so many swirls and whirls in the narrative that it begins to feel like the dreamlike circus she writes about. The circus itself essentially becomes a character in this book. This circus is very different than the one you are probably imagining, however. It is a place where magic is real and the impossible really is possible. The illusions aren't really illusions, although the cover of night makes patrons of the circus understand that reality is perhaps the biggest illusion. The narrative voice in this book does give it a bit of a distant feel from the reader at times. I have read critiques of this book where readers are not a fan because they couldn't connect. I can understand where that comes from. There are certain points where the narrative voice is second-person narration and you feel utterly connected. Then, there are parts where it is difficult to even understand what's going on or who is who, so it can be difficult to hang onto the connection. I think the brilliance of this tale, though, is the fact that Morgenstern was able to create the dreamlike feel in which the reader can question what reality really means. I also loved the layering of tales and story lines. I cannot begin to imagine the process of coming up with this story and writing it. I think it is a testament to the creativity of Morgenstern and her writing skill that she pulled off this book. I do wish the romance element had been more thoroughly established. I felt there was a disconnect between Marco and Celia at times, which is understandable but also frustrating. The love story could have been more clearly developed to provide more satisfaction to the reader. The ending was superb. It was perfect and everything a reader could hope for in a book like this. Overall, this is a unique read that is like nothing you've ever read. It will stand out in your mind for a long time after you're done reading. Most of all, it will make you realize that you should never be constrained by expectations or realities in your own life. View all my reviews
Whips and chains. Thrusting bodies. Hot, spicy encounters.
Certainly, passion has a place in love and in romance novels. Most of us enjoy some escapism from time to time--and sexy abs aren't a bad thing, for sure. However, some of the most common questions I get are: Why sweet romance? Where's the hot sex in your books? In fact, some of the harshest criticism I've received has been about the lack of explicit sex in my books. Let me say this: My characters do have hot sex. It's just that most of it happens off the page, behind the scenes. Some of my book characters share some spicy foreplay and some sexually tense moments. However, I leave "the act" up to the reader's interpretation. Why, you may ask? I think it boils down to three reasons. 1. I blame Nicholas Sparks
Nicholas Sparks has always been my writing inspiration. I've been a fan since junior high. I think he proves that love stories don't have to have explicit sex to be memorable, emotional, and effective. I think that subconsciously, when I started writing, he impacted the style of my romance.
2. I'm a teacher
I think it's always been a consideration that whatever I write may end up in students' hands. I teach high school, so the maturity level is higher. However, I still don't know that I'd want to look out to a sea of my book knowing there are some racy, racy parts in them.
3. (The most important reason) Love isn't all about sex
Over 17 years of knowing my husband and 7 years of marriage, I've come to learn that love is definitely not all about sex. No way.
Love is soooo much more complicated than the carnal needs we have. Sure, sexual chemistry is a huge part of our search for a partner. However, love is about so much more. Love is this powerfully complex, emotional journey. It's about identity and sacrifice. It's about struggle and triumph. It's about finding someone who builds you up even at your worst. It's about finding someone who not only accepts your baggage but embraces it. For me, that's where the story has always been. I want to chase the complexity. I want to reveal the harder side of love, the more trying side of the emotion. I want to embrace the deep, emotional side of my characters and who they are together. Sex plays a role in that, but for me, the more difficult and, thus, more engaging part of the story doesn't usually happen in the bedroom. It happens in a truck in the middle of a blizzard when sex is so far from even being a possibility. It happens in an assisted living center where an 80-year-old woman has completely given up on connecting with anyone. It happens in a small town where a couple who is just too stubborn to admit they're perfect for each other flirts with the possibility of who they could've been. So there are many reasons my romance falls on the sweeter side of the genre. I hope this helps you understand why I write what I write. What do you think? Do you like your romance on the sweeter side, or do you like more physical connection in your stories? I'd love to chat with you, so hit reply and tell me what you think. Xoxo, Author Lindsay Detwiler An Honest Review of Book 2 in the Arc of a Scythe Series![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars I was nervous going into this one because I LOVED Scythe so much, and sequels usually fall short for me. This was the exception. I really didn't know if Shusterman would be able to up the game in the second book in this awesome young adult series... but he did. Thunderhead follows our beloved characters from book one, Citra and Rowan. They have gone very different paths in this book; however, as the book progresses, you realize that there is still a deep connection between them in more ways than one. I loved watching both of their journeys to identity and finding their place in this odd world. Shusterman further develops the world of scythes in this sequel, adding details and dimensions that weren't fully explored in part one. Mainly, this book (as the name suggests) delves much deeper into the concept of the Thunderhead. Diary entries from the Thunderhead give a unique glimpse into this futuristic technology and allows the reader to understand the purpose of it, the benefits, and of course, the downfalls. This book ends with a huge cliffhanger that left me wanting more. I cannot wait until 2019 to read book 3 in this series. New heroes are named in this book, and I can't wait to explore their story. Also, major shifts have happened by the end of this book, and I know book 3 is going to be epic. Kudos to Shusterman for again delivering an imaginative, fully-developed world that really makes readers think about technology, what it means to be alive, and what the purpose of this thing called life really is. View all my reviews
![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars The Boy and His Ribbon is a dark, winding tale of abuse, survival, and forbidden love. This book is definitely not a traditional romance and has elements that are somewhat taboo. Nonetheless, I found this book to be very well written, intriguing, and emotional. The story follows Della and Ren, two children on the run after escaping from an abusive house of terrors. Della is the McClary’s biological daughter, while Ren is not. He was being held hostage and forced to do labor for them. When Ren, who is much older than Della, escapes, he takes her with him and their saga of survival begins. As Ren tries to learn how to survive in a world away from the horrendous farm, he takes on a caregiver role for Della. The two grow up and grow together, both each other’s world entire. Nonetheless, when decades pass and the two are grown, those feelings of love will get more complex and confusing. I will say that some people may find this book a bit taboo. Nonetheless, Pepper Winters handles the topic in a respectable, understandable manner. She manages to make the somewhat taboo topic the central conflict and also something the reader can fathom and even accept. The characters were well-crafted, and the plot was so intriguing. Nothing about this story is cliché or overdone—it truly is a piece that stands out in a crowd of stories. I loved the back and forth feel of the book thanks to the alternating point of view. It really helped me understand both characters and their reasoning for their actions. In a dark world full of violence and abuse, Ren and Della find hope in each other, which is a beautiful thing. I cannot wait to read the next book, The Girl and Her Ren, which releases this June. Thank you, Pepper Winters, for a uniquely engaging storyline that really had me thinking about the lines in love, survival, and what it means to truly love someone unconditionally. View all my reviews |
*As an Amazon Affiliate, I get a small fee for any books purchased through the links below.
May 2024